Archive for the ‘Audience Research’ Category

Throughout my audience research I have tried to use a diverse group of people who would all be interested in Crime Fiction and would be able to help me get the information I need to create a good piece of Crime Fiction. I created an online survey for people through social networking sites would be able to complete and I also did a focus group which you can watch HERE

Firstly I will analyse my results from my online survey question by question.


I started by asking their gender, this information is useful to me as I would like to know who is more interested in a Crime Fiction movie. From this pie chart we can see that the audience who answered my survey were prominently male. Throughout the survey I could also see that the male answers were a lot more in depth compared to the females answers; which leads me to think that males are more interested in the Crime Fiction genre.


My second question was another question just to get a basic idea of who is answering my survey. This chart clearly shows I have had people from 16 years old to 60 answering my survey. This is very useful to me as I can tell that most people no matter what their age group are interested in the Crime Fiction genre. This means that I have a very wide audience to cater for.


This question got a 100% yes answer. This did not surprise me as Crime Fiction is a massive genre and is used in so many different genres that most films will contain some form of Crime fiction.


This question helped me as the group of people who have answered my survey are clearly sociable as they would go to the cinema to see a movie which is typically a social event.


This question was very important as when looking at examples of Crime Fiction movies it is either funny or not. I needed to know what sort of movie my audience would like to see as I could include comedy or not. From this chart I can see the majority of my audience would not like to see a Crime Fiction movie. These answers were very useful as I now know to make my trailer and movie come across more serious.


This question came up a lot in my mind in the early stages of planning my project as I can think of a few movies and TV shows (such as Dexter) where the bad guy is the guy we support and he also wins. This is an interesting reverse on the typical idea of the good guy always winning. However, from my survey results the audience would like to see the good guy win. “Because he’s the good guy! Unless he’s a real dork in which case the bad guy can win!”


This question also asked them what they would like to read about and why. Most of the responses were along the lines of ‘To find out any trivia or mistakes made during filming’ I found this quite interesting as they would rather read about the film and not a review. This has given me the idea to do an interview type of article, I also think this will be more interesting and I have previous experience with creating an article format. 


I wanted to ask this question as there are many different perspectives you can see a Crime Fiction movie from. I was interested to find that a victims perspective was more popular. This may be because most films are usually from either from the criminals or the law enforcement. This question also influenced the following question as I would like to know weather to follow, challenge or subvert.


I asked my audience if they would rather see a male or a female protagonist. I assumed I would see a higher male rating firstly because more males completed my survey but also because it’s more typical of a Crime Fiction protagonist to be male. However, the results show they would rather see a female protagonist. ‘Because woman are stereotypically seen as more venerable so seeing them as the lead role and having a good outcome makes for a more satisfying movie in my opinion’


This question is related to my few previous questions as I was interested to find out what my audience would like to see. For many films and TV shows they start off with you knowing who did it then you watch the characters struggle to find out what you know (dramatic irony) however in other shows and things such as Cluedo you become emerged with the characters to figure out the crime. An example of both of these this is Dexter. We know that Dexter commits the crimes and we watch the characters around him try to figure it out however when other cases come up by other killers the audience and the characters both need to figure out the crime. The answer from this question was what I expected as watching something and trying to figure it out yourself is more fun an engaging. ‘b) what’s the point of knowing the answer at the beginning?’

My final question was a general question into what ideally an audience member would expect to see in a crime fiction movie. I was given many examples such as Pulp Fiction, Die Hard and The Godfather. All these are classic films however, from the previous questions I would not like to follow the conventions and ideas of these films as the audience seem to be getting bored and may find it more interesting to see something different. This may explain the success of TV Shows such as my prime example Dexter but also Breaking Bad as they subvert these classic ideas of a Crime Fiction genre.



My Focus Group

Posted: October 2, 2013 in Audience Research, Uncategorized

My Focus Group


Posted: September 20, 2013 in Audience Research, Uncategorized

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Time to celebrate because you can all get involved with helping me! Yay!!
Click HERE to complete my survey for me! Thank you all lots and lots, it’ll help me out so much!

Audience Research Aims

Posted: September 19, 2013 in Audience Research, Uncategorized

I want to achieve an insight into what my audience like about crime movies and what they would like to see in a film through the narrative.

The majority of my audience’s demographic would be both male and female and between the ages of 16 and 25.  I think they would be a B-E level of income as people in the B income may be policemen themselves and would be interested in seeing a fictional take on the crimes they most probably see themselves. I also think people in the lower income would like to watch a Crime movie as it helps them use escapism to escape from the everyday life into a fictional one.  They could live anywhere in the world but as my movie will be based in England I think it will be more popular in England.


Not too many people would read reviews on films unless they are a serious film buff, which means that using Media language would appeal more to my audience for my magazine article. As for the poster I would like it to appeal to everyone and look like a good poster which would get people to watch the film in the cinema.




Age- 16-25

Gender- Any

Race- Any

Class- E to B

Social Group- Film buff, policemen, escapists